Patisserie: A Masterclass in Classic and Contemporary Patisserie
Catégorie: Romance et littérature sentimentale, Beaux livres, Nature et animaux
Auteur: Stephen King, Patricia Seibert
Éditeur: Gabriel Wyner, Karen Perry
Publié: 2017-03-21
Écrivain: Michelle M. Pillow, Peter Meehan
Langue: Roumain, Persan, Turc, Hindi, Bulgare
Format: Livre audio, pdf
Auteur: Stephen King, Patricia Seibert
Éditeur: Gabriel Wyner, Karen Perry
Publié: 2017-03-21
Écrivain: Michelle M. Pillow, Peter Meehan
Langue: Roumain, Persan, Turc, Hindi, Bulgare
Format: Livre audio, pdf
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Patisserie: A Masterclass in Classic and | Medium - Patisserie aims to reflect award-winning chocolatier, William Curley's passion for taking classic recipes and modernizing them with his own innovations. Creating top-quality patisserie is often seen as something only a trained professional can do, however with patisserie equipment now
PDF Patisserie: A Masterclass In Classic And Contemporary - Patisserie aims to reflect award-winning chocolatier, William Curley's passion for taking classic recipes and modernizing them with his own innovations. A series of basic recipes will provide a solid foundation in patisserie techniques as well as inspiration for aspiring creative pastry chefs.
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Patisserie : A Masterclass in Classic and Contemporary - William Curley, Suzue Curley. Patisserie aims to reflect award-winning chocolatier, William Curley's passion for taking classic recipes and modernizing them with his own innovations.
William Curley - Patisserie: A Masterclass in Classic - - William CurleyPatisserie: A Masterclass in Classic and Contemporary Patisserie, Hardcover. Patisserie?reflects award-winning chocolatier, William Curley's passion for taking classic recipes and modernizing them with his own innovations.
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PÂTISSERIE: A Masterclass in Classic and Contemporary Pâtrisserie - The word patisserie refers to a bakery specializing in pastries and sweets, as well as the pastries produced by a patissier. The new book, PÂTISSERIE, aims to reflect award-winning chocolatier William Curley's passion for taking classic recipes and modernizing them with his own innovations.
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